Oliviero Toscani



I believe that real art is, and can only be modern, regardless of when it was created.
Modern art has nothing to do with time, and for this reason everything that is modern is, and remains, modern for ever. Perhaps this does not always happen in contemporary art, art created in this moment of time; many, indeed the overwhelming majority of these artworks are merely produced for the salons of super-rich collectors who pay exorbitant amounts of money for them! I do not understand this type of art, indeed it does not interest me at all.
It seems to me that a tiny part of modern art is truly modern. Perhaps because so-called modern art, I mean art that is contemporary to us, art that is based on form, composition, colours and aesthetics, has lost sight of the end in favour of the means, thus it produces mountains of mediocrities. The one and ultimate objective of true art has to be, has been and will always be the human condition.
As luck would have it, Velasco understands this; consequently, he draws, paints and sculpts without ever losing sight of the objective, he never loses his focus on humanity. Velasco is a friend of mine and I do not speak well of him out of friendship, quite to the contrary, he is my friend only because I like his work.